Friday, July 31, 2020

Share Your CPW With Us!

Share Your CPW With Us! QUOTE: Coming from Stanford [before MITs CPW], I actually bought a Stanford pen because I really liked the campus but staying here over CPW I now regret that I even bothered to spend money on that, haha. I really like it here despite the weather. MIT rules!! -actual 14 testimonial, quoted verbatim from a letter left to her host before she departed MIT today. :) I just woke up, oddly feeling nostalgic about CPW (this happens every year). Starting from meeting a couple dozen of you at the iHouse International Feast on Thursday, it had been a rollercoaster ride of a weekend since then. Holla to the MA, NY, CT, NH, MD, RI, NJ, CA, MI, IL, IN, MO, TX, FL, SC, NC, VA, PA, OR, WA, Korea, and Switzerland prefrosh that I met this weekend!! :) (this is why I like to ask you where yall are from :P one of the best things about CPW is meeting you all who come from diverse corners of the world and seeing how much energy and talent you bring to the campus!). Just like what President Hockfield said at the Closing Festival, you are were selected from less than 10% of the applicant pool, and all have your own very special accomplishments to be proud of! There is an old tradition where current bloggers open up our blogs to you all post-CPW, to share what youve experienced this CPW from YOUR point of view. Therefore, I would be open to blogs from all of you! Send me your best CPW blog text, pictures, videowhatever you want! at my email address on the banner (ask-oasis [at] mit [dot] edu) and Ill post them as guest blogs! Dont worry too much about format I can help you HTMLize the text and the links, and resize your pictures so theyre web compatible. :) This was your weekend, and were curious how it went for you! :D As for us, today is officially CPW Recovery Day, otherwise known as *cough*gettingallthepiledupworkdoneafteranentireweekendofhavingtoomuchfun*cough* :P As usual, let any of us know if we can help you in any way to make the decision process smoother between now and May 1! ^_____^ - Congrats Next Act 2010! This song is perpetually stuck in my mind. :)

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