Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What Is Breast Cancer - 937 Words

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers and the second leading cause of cancer-related death among women in the United States. Up to 6% of breast cancers are advanced or metastatic at the time of diagnosis, requiring chemotherapy1, 2. Aberrant, accelerated growth is a hallmark of cancer3, including breast cancer. The rapid expansion of treatments targeted to aberrant cell growth – for example, cell cycle targeted chemotherapies for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer – allows for precise targeting of specific alterations in tumor cell proliferation pathway with the goal of reducing tumor cellular proliferation and increase tumor cell death while minimizing toxicities associated with chemotherapy. The growing application of†¦show more content†¦This review focuses on currently investigational cell proliferation imaging PET radiotracers to evaluate tumor proliferation in the setting of cell cycle targeted chemotherapy and endocrine therapy for meta static breast cancer. We review the underlying biology associated with cancer proliferation and cell cycle-targeted drugs, followed by a review of the mechanistic underpinnings of cell proliferation tracers, and finally, their application to therapy targeted to aberrant breast cancer proliferation. Cell cycle and proliferation control: Enhancing endocrine therapy with combination with cell cycle targeting agents Proliferating cells must progress through 4 phases of cell cycle to divide (G1, S, G2 and M); however, they may exit cell cycle and enter quiescence (G0) when stressed or deprived of their biological stimuli (for example in breast cancer with estrogen deprivation)7, 8. Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) play a key role in controlling cell cycle progression. Among these kinases, CDK4/6 is the key regulator of G1 to S transition by controlling transcription of genes necessary for cell cycle progression. This kinase is activated upon binding to cyclin D, leading to expression of genes required for S-phase entry9. This tightly regulated cyclin D-CDK4/6 complex isShow MoreRelatedWhat is Breast Cancer? What is the Cause of it?1328 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is Breast Cancer? What is the Cause of it? Breast cancer is cancer cells that develop in the breast of a woman. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma in situ. The cancer cells develop in the milk ducts of the breast. Doctors and researchers do not exactly know the cause of cancer. All they know is that it usually occurs when a cell’s DNA is damaged. When cells in the breast start to develop abnormally they begin to develop quicker than the normal cells. They also keep multiplyingRead MoreWhat Is Biotechnology And Its Ramification To Breast Cancer1101 Words   |  5 PagesBiotechnology and its Ramification to Breast Cancer According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2014; 236,968 women and 2,141 men in the United States were diagnosed with breast cancer. And 41,211 women and 465 men in the United States died from breast cancer (U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group, 2017). That volume of death could have drastically been decreased if the clinicians, physicians, and oncologists utilized the Mammaprint. To understand the way Mammaprint makesRead MoreEssay Breast Cancer961 Words   |  4 PagesBreast cancer is everywhere. The pink ribbons, the â€Å"I heart boobies† bracelets, and the thousands of breast cancer walks all over the United States. These all contribute to breast cancer organizations. Over one hundred million dollars has been raised to support breast cancer. This may not seem serious by the promotions and jokes that these organizations pull support from, but don’t forget the millions of people who have breast cancer. Breast cancer affects, approximately, an eighth of all AmericanRead MoreReviewing The Topic Of Breast Cancer987 Words   |  4 Pagesresearching the topic of Breast Cancer. In this introduction, it will include a problem about the topic and a valid solution in who to solve it. It also discusses the research and research methods put into this technical report, personal qualifications, work schedule, and lastly a table in which lists a time schedule in which this report will be completed. Introduction Breast cancer has a significant amount of impact on the women, men, and families it effects.Breast cancer is only made of topic oneRead MoreCancer Is A Word That Most Everyone Fears. It Affects Millions1203 Words   |  5 PagesCancer is a word that most everyone fears. It affects millions of lives on an everyday basis. However, breast cancer seems to grab more attention due to its recurrence. According to an article in Opposing Viewpoints, breast cancer is a disease in which abnormal breast cells begin to grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. Breast cancer is highly common amongst today’s society, and has sparked much research in the medical field worldwide. Contrary to popular belief, breast cancer is not a modern illnessRead MoreBreast Cancer Prevention and Education Essay1695 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to the American Cancer Society, â€Å"Breast cancer is the common disease of women in the United States, other than skin cancer.† After lung cancer, it is the leading secondary cause of cancer death in women. It helps to have some basic facts about the normal makeup of the breasts to understand breast cancer. In the past, this disease was one of the most feared forms of cancer due to its fatality rate and because complete recovery often required breast removal. The best way to fight this diseaseRead MoreCauses And Treatments Of Breast Cancer1587 Words   |  7 PagesWHAT IS CANCER? Cancer can be said to be a generic term for a large collection of diseases that can have an effect on any part of the body, it can be sometimes called malignant tumors and neoplasms. In other words, cancer can be defined as the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their normal boundaries, which are capable of invading adjoining parts of the body and spread through to the organs. However, this process is referred to as metastasis, which is the major cause of death fromRead MoreBreast Cancer : A Disease1737 Words   |  7 PagesWyrick 1 Leah Wyrick Ms. Basinger AP Language and Composition 12 May 2017 Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease in which most commonly occurs in all women no matter their size, shape, race, or ethnicity. About one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every year, a fatal disease if not discovered early. Early detection of breast cancer is key so that cancerous cells found in the breast do not spread through other parts of the body. On a positive note, however, significant advancesRead MoreLeah Wyrick. Ms. Basinger. Ap Language And Composition.1685 Words   |  7 PagesLeah Wyrick Ms. Basinger AP Language and Composition 12 May 2017 Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease in which most commonly occurs in all women no matter their size, shape, race, or ethnicity. About one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every year, a fatal disease if not discovered early. Early detection of breast cancer is key so that cancerous cells found in the breast do not spread through other parts of the body. On a positive note, however, significant advances have beenRead MoreOverview of Breast Cancer Essay1015 Words   |  5 PagesIf you or a loved one were diagnosed with breast cancer, how would you feel? You would probably feel very afraid and worried. Breast cancer is a common and potentially deadly form of cancer that affects both men and women. There are risk factors for getting the disease and there are different types of treatment for people who have been diagnosed with the disease. There are also steps that people can take to try to prevent getting breast cancer or at least catch it early. Luckily there are many

Monday, December 16, 2019

Multi-Disciplinary Free Essays

Effects of Multi-Disciplinary Approaches There are various ways to approach and solve problems. Such approaches include multi-disciplinary perspectives and strictly disciplinary perspectives. To effectively solve a problem a person should gather an array of information from a series of different sources. We will write a custom essay sample on Multi-Disciplinary or any similar topic only for you Order Now When a person takes this approach towards a certain problem or situation, they are taking a multi-disciplinary approach. As defined in the Webster’s American Dictionary: College Edition, multidisciplinary is the â€Å"combining of several specialized branches of learning or fields of expertise† (Multidisciplinary 526). However, if one choses to â€Å"relate to a specific field of study† versus a variety of fields, they are taking a strictly disciplinary approach when resolving a certain situation or issue (Disciplinary 228). There are advantages and disadvantages to both a multidisciplinary approach and a disciplinary approach however one may find a multidisciplinary approach to be more efficient. Advantages to a multi-disciplinary approach include being able to apply different aspects to a certain situation as well as weighing the pros and cons. When a person has a decision to make, they have a solution that they think is best for that decision. If multiple people add their insights to help make the decision, a better solution is made. By adding different aspects to a certain problem or issue, a better solution is resulted. Also, through a multi-disciplinary approach, a person is able to obtain ideas that have worked for people in the past and ideas that have not been successful to evaluate the best solution to a problem. A disadvantage to multi-disciplinary approaches is that with more aspects presented, it could take more time to reach a conclusion due to some people disagreeing with others. Nonetheless, a solution is usually eventually reached where most parties are satisfied. With certain societal problems, multi-disciplinary approaches often lead to better solutions. When there is a problem in society, society has to come up with a solution that will benefit everybody, not just a select few. If society used a strictly disciplinary approach to these problems, not everyone would be satisfied leading to other problems within society. By taking a multi-disciplinary approach to these societal problems, society has the chance to cater and please a greater amount of people. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach can lead to better solutions with a greater amount of people pleased but society cannot please everyone. Although a multi-disciplinary approach to societal problems is not the ultimate solution, it still has a better effect than a strictly disciplinary approach. When a person takes a multi-disciplinary approach, they are getting feedback and information from a variety of different sources. If many different aspects are presented in a situation, it allows someone to gather information and then decide what points they will use in their situation. For example when deciding what was important to make New Orleans an excellent city, our First Year Experience class researched different fields of study and components of a city to answer the question of what was necessary for New Orleans to strive. By taking parts of all the different fields of study including the arts, government, education and sports, and applying them to New Orleans, an excellent city with variation could be made. However, if New Orleans only focused on one field of study, the city would not have any variation. Although multi-disciplinary approaches usually result in better solutions than strictly disciplinary approaches, difficulties still arise with multi-disciplinary approaches. For example with more than one source being contributed to a situation, little problems could arise with not everyone agreeing with a conclusion. Also, when making a multi-disciplinary decision, one has to decide what aspects to use from others, making it longer to obtain a solution. Not all aspects presented in a multi-disciplinary approach are applicable to the solution that is being made as well. In a disciplinary approach, a person can make a decision quickly and easily but they lack the insight from others. For instance if a doctor needed help making a decision about what medicine to prescribe for their patient, he would not consult someone who is not educated to do so, but instead make the decision on his own because he is trained to. In this situation, a disciplinary approach may be the better option. Overall the advantages of a multi-disciplinary approach outweigh the disadvantages. Being able to obtain outside sources to solve a problem presents more information to make a better and more adequate solution to problems. A strictly disciplinary approach is still a good approach to certain issues but it does not always provide the best answer to the issue. Even though there are obstacles when making a multi-disciplinary decision such as time and not all parties agreeing, a solution is eventually made to benefit all parties and to resolve a problem. Without multi-disciplinary approaches in society and everyday life, we would not be able to get outside information to make better life choices and decisions. Works Cited â€Å"Disciplinary. † Def. Webster’s American Dictionary. College Edition. 1997. Print. â€Å"Multidisciplinary. † Def. Webster’s American Dictionary. College Edition. 1997. Print. How to cite Multi-Disciplinary, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Crisis Management Heatlh

Question: Write an article onCrisis management in the Health Sector; Qualities and characteristics of health crisis managers . Answer: This article is about the challenges and the way of facing the challenges in the health sector. As per Efstathiou, Panos and Dafni , the health sector has the dynamic challenge in the field of the international and regional advancements, where the growing population is a major threat. In this paper, it has been observed that the health crisis management can be managed through a high level of co-ordination and well developed action plan. Since human life and individual wellbeing are principally included, therapeutic preparing of the director can be a benefit. All things considered, emergency administration skills can be connected to an extensive variety of wellbeing experts who are relied upon to perform at various levels, as indicated by understanding, proficient part, level of instruction, or employment work. The approach of the wellbeing emergency administrator must be careful, his idea must be algorithmic, choices and activities must be composed and desires must be practical. With appropriate readiness and arranging, the emergency chief is fit for remaining on top of the circumstance and managing the difficulties adequately. Adaptability, evasion of opinion, versatility to the conditions and fast decisional limit are essential characteristics of wellbeing emergency administrators. Wellbeing emergency administration includes the most vital human esteem. Wellbeing emergencies may trash human lives for long and have a variable social effect. In these terms, the emergency supervisor should be to a great degree cautious and kind when speaking with people in general. The activities of the managers of the health organizations must suggest social affectability and intrigue, in light of the necessities of the general public and the general population. At present, the society needs the health professionals who will take care about the patients well as well as take the responsibilities of managing the crisis. Today's chiefs must have a worldwide perspective of operatio ns procedure. Fast development in world exchange and developing markets like china and Eastern Europe implies that numerous associations augment their operations internationally. From the exchange, it can be inferred that the emergencies anticipation or emergencies administration require practical structures and submitted HR, that is fulfilled individuals who should will to participate in order to console the associations' advantages. Also, amid an emergency, customers can accuse any of the accompanying as being in charge of the mischief: the maker, the advertiser, the merchant, or the end-client (i.e. abuse of the item). Shoppers join their causal attributions with the moves that the organization makes to deal with the emergency, lastly choose whether or not the firm required in the item hurt emergency was effective in managing it. Absence of correspondence between representatives of any administration level, will be clear to people in general and presumably prompt to poor response of expansive results. Emergencies are by and large unforeseen and cause disturbance. One can never be completely arranged to manage such occasions effectively unless prepared to do as such. In that regard hypothetical preparing, conceptualizing, re-enactment works out, media preparing and quality review, ought to be a piece of worker and administration improvement programs. HR managers have been and will dependably be the way to authoritative issues and the reason of association issues also. Directors ought to exposed as a primary concern that representative execution may resolve emergencies and additionally cause them and thusly be proactive and concentrate on adaptable and continually enhancing authority styles. Human capital and crisis management This paper demonstrates the different types of relationships among the human capital and the crisis management in the organizations. The roles of the internal affairs ministry in the area of the crisis management have been discussed in this paper. Expanding mishaps and risky occasions happening at hierarchical and national levels have made it basic that appropriate basic and social plans are set up. A standout amongst the best methodologies is emergency administration (CM). Despite the fact that CM is by and large considered a current as opposed to a standard approach, it is in the West that it has picked up noticeable quality and assets are apportioned for compelling execution. This review is intended to address CM and ability in the Arab World. The article draws on late advancements in an assortment of fields, particularly humanism, administration, and universal relations. More essential, the article makes a solid contention that CM is bound to disappointment without satisfactory p reparing, learning, and advancement of human capital. For this very reason, the article plots certain techniques to improve successful adapting to emergencies and better execution of CM. These systems don't concentrate exclusively on the individual additionally on the association and its way of life. The review builds up a grouping of Arab associations as far as their preparation to hazard administration. Crisis Management in Todays Business Environment: HRs Strategic Role This paper is about the different types of responsibilities of an HR in the crisis management. Management of the crisis is extensively characterized as an association's pre-established exercises and rules for get ready and reacting to critical calamitous occasions or occurrences (i.e., fires, seismic tremors, serious tempests, work environment brutality, kidnappings, bomb dangers, demonstrations of fear based oppression, and so on.) in a sheltered and viable way. Amid an emergency, one of the parts of a pioneer is to make and maintain the association's believability and trust among emergency partners (e.g., administration, representatives, clients, providers, accomplices, groups, speculators, media, government, particular vested parties). Contingent upon the emergency circumstance, a's pioneer will probably help the association in coming back to profitability. Generally speaking, it is essential to secure and maintain the association's notoriety, image and incentive in the marketplac e. Thus, one of HR's vital parts is to concentrate on administration qualities, for example, vital considering, correspondence, strengthening, trust and uprightness, while considering progression making arrangements for emergency administration. Subsequently of an emergency, companies may lose labors, alongside key ability and hierarchical information, from low confidence, fear, physical movement or passing. As found in the result of Hurricane Katrina, workforce issues tend to quickly heighten from an emergency. One of the basic parts of HR is to help the association create recuperation arranges. These systems ought to address the security, wellbeing and welfare of workers some time recently, amid and after a crisis. Emergency readiness, reaction and recuperation are basic to help individuals start to recoup. Helping workers accomplish a feeling of regularity is likewise an imperative consider tending to the "human side of an emergency". Risk Issues and Crisis Management in Public Relations This paper is about the crisis management in the public relations. In todays business, the leaders are greedy and undisturbed about long-term welfare of the companies. In the complex environment, the organizations should recognize as well as react to rapid shifting values, increase in expectations and strain of the public discussion as well as enhance in news media. The organizations should perform as well as behave socially with the stakeholders. The risks are identified into the business organization due to change of societal values, change in technological innovation, pressure of cost as well as time. Those factors cause risk issues. When the organizations are facing issues, effective risk communication plan is introduced to understand the emotion of public. The business should require familiarizing with cyclical expansion of the risk issues. Therefore, a proper communication strategy is needed. Most required is to remove of fault line among financial as well as sustainable succes s. ADVOCACY APPROACH is used by the organization, which aims to influence the decisions regarding political, financial as well as social systems. Public consultation builds conversation into the process of communication. Proper communication process minimizes the disagreement as well as achieves of balancing scales to protect and develop the business. There are lack of outside-in-thinking into the organizations, it gives rise to the precautionary principle. Precautionary Principle to the risk management demonstrates that if there is any managerial policy that has risk, then it sources harm to public in nonexistence of technical consensus. Outside of thinking is based on the ability of organization to remove from one-way information flow towards conversation with stakeholders group. The organization should at first removes conflict among the stakeholders so that they can make a good relationship with the society. Therefore, it is analyzed that failed to do so results into loss of org anization success and brand image. High-Impact Human Capital Strategy: Addressing the 12 Major Challenges Today The paper is about implementation of human capital strategy into the business to remove the major business challenges. Now, the twelve challenges are introduced in the paper are high investment level for the human capital, lack of HR programs in organization, lack of talent management and employee dissatisfaction. There are also cultural challenges, employee safety issues, societal issues, lack of technology use, globalization, environment and energy issues, lack of leadership and lack of use of big data analytics. The identified strategies are business alignment, global leadership, performance and innovation, technology use, analytics and big data. The human capital has some major issues in the organization such as employees cost is the largest expense. It brings the human capital into executives focus. Cost should be controlled, but they concern about the return of investment. Human capital is the source of competitive advantage. Most of the organizations should have access to fina ncial resources as well as technology. Under the human capital, there are capital assets that the organization should consider as important asset. The human capital has the capability to provide solutions to the customers and improve their organizational goals and aims. From the global perspective, human capital is taken as one of the issue within the organization. The organizational management focuses on the human capital issues. Therefore, focus on the human capital is contributed to paradigm shift as the dimension of human capital as well as asset. Two barriers are introduced in the paper that restricts to prevent the business from treating the human capital. One is walk the talk and second is ownership. Within the organization, employees are treated as most important assets, but they are taken as expenditure and asset, they have to save their cost and revenue. The senior executives own human capital. They should take measures to improve human capital. Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry: Beating the Odds? This paper introduces crisis management into the tourism industry. The tourism industry is influenced by political changes and natural disasters. Crisis management into tourism industry helps them to become success in the difficult situation. It helps to plan and execute process directing in the way to manage bad effects of crisis as well as natural disasters. The risk management strategies in the tourism industry address the possible risks. The industry should think of safety of their visitors, secure system in order to interact with persons, buildings security, training to people on disaster management and supply of resources when required. Therefore, the tourism industry is most vulnerable to crisis. Crisis management is required for the industry in order to avoid of terrible publicity into the market, harm to the feasibility of the industry. The accomplishment deals with crisis event lies inside effectual pre-crisis planning. From the lessons learned, it is analyzed that the tour ism industry should prepare a contingency plans for their business. The managerial roles and their responsibilities are defined properly. The management team should take important decisions regarding crisis management. The decisions should be taken at the operational level of the tourism industry for effective success in the market. Crisis management is involved with feedback loop back, after over of pre-crisis stages. It also enables that industry should understand their mistakes from learning and then prepare their team for next possible crisis. Some the crisis identified are natural crisis, which are caused due to earthquakes, floods and others. Civil conflicts are due to political stress within a country. It causes violence within the country. Failure in technology is associated with blackouts, crashes of airplanes as well as nuclear meltdown. When the entire possible crisis is properly handled, then it executes the crisis management plan to manage bad effects of crisis as well as natural disasters. Crisis, Issues and Reputation Management This paper depicts the importance of crisis management in different business organization to build effective reputation in the competitive marketplace. In the external and internal market of the organizations many people exist who judge the daily performance in terms of productivity and services of the business organization. The merged outcome of these factors is known as reputation of a business. The crisis and issue management and reputation of an organization are complimentary to teach other. If positive responses and controlled services are served by the business organizations then, it will help the organization to gain good reputation in the market. This paper has covered both the concept and importance of crisis management and reputation management as well. Lesser time is required to build reputation whereas; it can be destroyed in a fraction of seconds by a single mistake. The primary relationship between the organization and their stakeholders are also elaborated in this pape r. If a single customer from the group of consumers changes their requirement then, the organization will have to change their service pattern based on the changed requirement of the consumers. On the other hand, if they fail to serve so then that will affect the reputation of the business organization. Reputation is referred to as a strategic asset that is needed to be maintained by different enterprises to gain sustainable business growth in terms of reputation. The six phases of reputation risk life cycle is also illustrated in this paper. The stakeholders of an organization must provide active attention on all those factors that help to build its reputation. An organization should adapt a list of crisis management and risk management categories so that it could face risky situation easily. After prediction and prevention of risks an organization can prepare reputation risk management processes. At the end of this paper the relationship between crisis management, issue management and risk management and reason for which these are interrelated to each other are elaborated. The Impact of 9/11 on Business and Economics: The Business of Terror This paper depicts the impact of 9/11 attack in the business and economics as well. The day of attack is still remembered as a day of terror. Based on the American economic perspectives it has been found that, in the year of 2000, the economy had already started to getting affected due to certain reasons and after the terror the affect came as a major disaster to American economy. The attack had extremely pressurized the tour and travelling industry of America. The sudden reduction in number of tourists affected the traveling and tourism business of America. Not only this but also the airlines industry also faced tremendous stress after the attack and took huge time for its recovery. The American government had to pay a lot to increase their direct and indirect security measures in the airport region. The Mideast war also increased the price of oil throughout in the year between 2001 and 2008. However, the Nobel inner stated that for the Iraq war American government had to pay about three trillion dollars. Even in order to fight against the terror network just after the attack, they also had to pay a huge amount of money. The effects of terror in all other American industries are also elaborated in this paper. The after affect of the attack is also illustrated in this paper with care. After considering all the aspects it has been found that not only the American economy but the world economy has also got affected. The international financial industry is also affected due to the terror attack. The authors of the paper had gone through vast investigation on the insurance and risk management strategies. Moreover the developments in the war industry with emergence service are also elaborated. In order to understand the financial support network of the terrorists certain changes are required to be adapted, those are discussed in this paper. Apart from this, the financial market implications are also illustrated. Crisis Management and Emergency Planning: Preparing for Today's Challenges This paper depicts the importance of crisis management and emergence planning in order to prepare challenges in the competitive market. Both the terms disaster and incidents are complimentary to each other and from the beginning of the era it has been found that, the people who are not at all aware about history, will be in doom. Depending on the nature of the history, whether it should be repeated or not is decided or demanded. A large set of man- made as well as natural disasters had taken place worldwide. The natural disaster includes weather, chemical accidents, fire etc. Precaution against most of the natural disasters cannot be taken by human and thus, emergences of new technologies are very much important to be obtained. Not only technologies but also people have different devices that help to built effective communication between the service providers and the consumers. The improved methods of communication are also illustrated in this paper. Moreover, it can be said that the aim of the paper is to build crisis management system by adapting advanced technologies in terms of communication and devices as well. In order to fight against difficult situation people needs to adapt emergence planning before. Against the mad made attacks these technologies are helpful but for the natural attacks these technologies are not at all effective. Different policies and laws regarding emergence management technologies are required to be considered before preparing the technologies in the real world implementation against the natural and man-made disaster. Before affect and after affect of the disaster and the different factors that should be considered are also demonstrated in this paper. For facilitating the technologies proper vulnerabilities ang security are adapted with effective security survey. At the end of the paper, the radiological and nuclear incidents are illustrated.